Our laboratory 2019-2023

the confocal microscope introduced by Dr. Yuzo Niki (former professor in this lab)
Lim1 neurons
one of the GPC drived neurons(taken at Sato lab in Kanazawa Univ.)
TapeStation 4150
quality control of RNA and DNA samples for Next-Generation Sequencing
Graduation celemony 23/3/2022
Undergrad students finally graduated from our lab.
Her amazing project has taken over by new students.
Celebrations 8/9/2022
They passed the entrance exam for graduate school.
Graduation celemony 23/3/2023
Undergrad students finally graduated from our lab.
Her Snail family project has taken over by new students.
Graduation celemony 23/3/2023
Undergrad students performed experiments even on the day of their graduation.

Graduation celemony 26/3/2024
The first master student in this lab finally graduated.
His bHLH project has taken over by new students.